Beauty, Aging and AntiAging
Beauty Aging and AntiAging 1st Edition:
Beauty, Aging and AntiAging covers novel and updated research and treatment options regarding the effects of aging on human physiology. Beauty perception and related molecular pathways are reviewed, along with current medical and surgical approaches to aging. The first part of the book focuses on beauty, youth, aging and its effects on the human body. In the second part, various restorative treatment approaches are reviewed in detail. Particularly, invasive treatment options and molecular pathophysiology of aging are covered in this book.
- Presents current trends and developments in regenerative and restorative medicine in aging and antiaging
- Includes recent reconstructive and restorative algorithms of various fields related to aging
- Covers new treatment perspectives in degenerative diseases
Additional ISBNs:
∗ eText ISBN: 0323972713, 978-0323972710, 9780323972710
- See additional information on the Amazon.
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Beauty, Aging and AntiAging 1st Edition:
Front Cover
Beauty, Aging, and Antiagng
Section I: Beauty and aging
Chapter 1: Hstory of beauty
Chapter 2: Perception of beauty in dfferent cutures
Chapter 3: The concept of beauty n art
Chapter 4: Defintlon of beauty n plastic surgery
Chapter 5: Beauty of agng
Chapter 6: Cellular mechansms of agng
Chapter 7: Impact of agng on extracelular matrix and Signal transduction pathways
Chapter 8: Psychatnc changes n agng
Chapter 9: Neurological perspectives on agng
Chapter 10: Musculoskeletal physiological changes in agng
Chapter 11: The aging cardiovascular system
Chapter 12: Physiological changes and clinical effects of agng
Chapter 13: Comprehensive geriatric assessment and antiagng
Chapter 14: Vtamns, minerals, and antiagng drugs n older adults
Chapter 15: Dental-periodontal structures and aging
Section II: Regeneratwe and restoratwe medicine
Chapter 16: Antiagng: Is t possble?
Chapter 17: Antiagng pnncples n plastic surgery
Chapter 18: Regenerative cell therapy for antiagng
Chapter 19: Energy based procedures n facial cosmetic and rejuvenation
Chapter 20: How to nduce antiagng n plastic surgery
Chapter 21: Minimally Invasive treatments for the aging face
Chapter 22: Cosmetic surgical treatments for the agng face
Chapter 23: Penorbtal restoration
Chapter 24: Changes n breasts during aging: Pathophyslology and restorative options
Chapter 25: Age-related changes n trunk aesthetics
Chapter 26: Effects of agng on extremtles
Chapter 27: Dermatology and restoratwe medicine
Chapter 28: The endocmology of agng
Chapter 29: The aging eye and age-related ocular pathologies
Chapter 30: Aging n gastrointestinal system
Chapter 31: Restorative medicine in the agng gentoumary system
Chapter 32: Antiagng strategies n audiology
Chapter 33: Cardiovascular agng
Chapter 34: Restorative medicine n thoracic surgery
Chapter 35: Agng women and common gynecologic problems
Chapter 36: Impact of agng on the central nervous system: Approaches for antiagng
Chapter 37: Regenerative and restorative treatments of the musculoskeletal system: Focus on platelet-rich plasm
Chapter 38: Anesthesa for the elderly: Effects of agng on penoperatwe and postoperatwe care
Back Cover
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